Thursday, October 31, 2019

Socrates Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Socrates - Research Paper Example To put it in simple words, Protagoras views the principle of morality as a valuable aspect that facilitates social cooperation. On the other hand, Socrates holds a vision about the principle of morality as a matter of an individuals’ interrelation towards his/her own soul which cannot be taught based on certain defined theories or assumptions contradicting Protagoras’ views that a person learns virtue from his early age recently when he/she starts speaking (Plato 5-25). Thesis Statement This study intends to analyze the arguments made by Socrates questioning the dialogues in Protagoras regarding the teachability of virtue and education humans regarding wisdom. Protagoras’ acclamations with reference to the viewpoints of Socrates will also be analyzed in this study to recognize the role of a rational agent, its justness and also its goodness in teaching wisdom to individuals. Proper justification will also be rendered with concern to the agreeability of the thesis , i.e. Protagoras. Explanation of the Argument The sole concern of Protagoras’ acclamations has been to rationalize that virtue and wisdom of human life can be taught. However, this argument has further been countered by Socrates where he questions the reality concerning the teachability aspects of virtues. ... Conversely, Socrates holds a perception that the diverse aspects of virtue are singular as well as indivisible in nature. As per his beliefs concerning the aspects of courage and wisdom are simply dissimilar names for two similar qualities of good life. Apart from arguing regarding diverse aspects of virtue, the determination of the interrelation between knowledge, doing good and pleasure have also been focused in the rudiments of Socrates’ arguments based on Protagoras’ dialogues. In this connection, Socrates proclaimed that pleasure undividable with the concern of good. This can be further rationalized with reference to Socrates’ acclamation that anything which seems to be painful is regarded as evil. This particular proclamation of Socrates signified that it is not possible knowingly to do what is good which apparently contradicts the views of Protagoras stating that individuals can be taught of doing good. Moreover, the proclamation put forward by Socrates al so represented with reference to the fact that it is quite unfeasible to live delightfully while performing any sort of evil activity which again rationalizes a strong connection within the various aspects of virtue as described by Protagoras. Conversely, Protagoras argued that there are several people who are not able to measure the most prominent doing that would bring pleasure to them. Hence, as a consequence, wrong activities are generally caused by ignorance that is not to be considered as a conflict or disagreement between ethical duties and the aspirations for pleasure within an individual. According to Protagoras’ dialogues, there lay the requirement of a specific art or

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Interview Essay Essay Example for Free

Interview Essay Essay Anthony Bryant Jr. is a man who is willing to sacrifice his free time in order to chase his goals. He started out watching the p90x infomercial late one night because he had nothing else to do and just wanted to see what it was like. He began to ask around and see if anyone he knew had the program and if it gave the results that were promised. Luckily, he ran into an old friend who had recently lost the motivation to stick with the program, and asked if he could try it out for himself. â€Å"I thought it would be a breeze because its just a simple home workout,† he smirked. Little did he know, he was about to challenge himself harder than ever before. This was only the beginning of his journey to understand what dedication and commitment truly meant. A. J. decided that we should meet at his local gym which he attends daily. I got there a little early and decided to check out the environment. Inside was a sizable room filled with machines and equipment built strictly for strength training, half of which I didnt even know how to use. Out of nowhere, I heard â€Å"hey man whats up† from the front of the gym, I smiled and turned around to see Anthony walking through the door wearing a Grey cutoff shirt that said â€Å"pain is weakness leaving the body† and a pair of light blue basketball shorts. He is a rather tall, lean guy with short, black hair, weighing in at about 205 pounds. We started talking as he laid down on the bench to pump some iron. After the first three or four minutes, I asked if we could go somewhere else to talk because I could hardly hear him over the sound of the weights rattling against each other. He agreed that it was a bit too loud in the gym for an interview; we went outside and sat at a round table and I asked my first question. I began by asking what his typical day was like through the week. He said he starts his day by getting to the gym before the owner at five in the morning to do cardio. After an hour of cardio he goes home to make his first meal of the day, which is always protein pancakes. Then he picks up his backpack and heads off to school for the next 5 hours. As soon as he gets home from school, he hits the books to make sure he gets all of his work done and has nothing to stress about at the gym. When his training partner arrives they eat a quick meal before heading out to the weight room. They get there and start their average two hour workout, depending on the day: Monday – Chest ; biceps, Tuesday – Legs, Wednesday – rest day, Thursday – Back ; Traps, Friday – Shoulders, Saturday – Arms, and Sunday – rest day. Upon completing the strenuous exercises they return home for their last meal of the day and go their separate ways until the next session. By this time the only thing left to do is get a good nights rest to let their muscles recover for the next day. I could not understand how they did this every day without giving in to failure. Mr. Bryant told me that there were three objectives to keep in mind when choosing to embark on a fitness journey, to decide, commit, and succeed. I asked what each of these meant individually; he leaned back in the chair and said â€Å"boy lemme tell ya, deciding to better yourself is the easiest part, you simply determine whether or not you are willing to go the distance. Anyone can say theyre going to get in shape right after they take a bite of a twinkie. † That is when I realized he was very passionate about physical fitness. Obviously, deciding to become fit was the easiest step, my next question was which one was the hardest. He told me commitment was the most important part of the challenge to become fit, he looked at me and firmly stated that we should never make a plan B because it only distracts from plan A. He told me if someone was to fully decide and commit to working out then the success would come on its own. After hearing him say that, I felt like it was possible for anyone to achieve what he has with the correct guidance. I asked him if he ever thought about personal training or motivational speaking. He nodded his head and laughed, until he saw that I was serious. Responding with, â€Å" not really, I mean I just planned on attending and hopefully winning competitions, I never thought I could be a help to others in achieving their own goals. † A. J. asked if I thought he would be a good inspiration to keep other people motivated and challenge themselves. I reassured him saying, â€Å"you have done this for so long now that it has become second nature to you, I am sure you would have no problem assisting people who need your help. † After the interview was over, I thanked him for giving me his time. he got up anxiously and simply walked back into the gym he has so long loved. I sat there in awe, at how a person can be so dedicated to improving his physique. Anthony Bryant went from watching infomercials of P90X to making the gym his second home. This is a man that has changed my view about what hard work actually means, and was only the beginning of my journey to understand the meaning of dedication and commitment.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Effect of Medicinal Plant Extracts on Alzheimers Disease

Effect of Medicinal Plant Extracts on Alzheimers Disease Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease which causes a lethal twist in the structural integrity, and a roadblock in the function of brain, this eventually channel the situation to degeneration and shrinkage of brain, and override the control of brain over other parts of the body, and comes to the final closing remark of the disease- death. Studies done on the topic have corroborated that the disease is not reversible, and the only patch of hope is slowing down its progress. But as the disease advances through mid stage and evolves into severe AD, the condition of patient becomes pathetic and care giving becomes more painful. Studies have reported that notable symptoms of AD are seen only after 60 years of age, even though the disease has started before that. Initial symptoms are loss of short term memory- being forgetful about the recent events, and gradually over a period of time patient seems more absent –minded about the environment, things which are chemically etched in the long term memory begins to be erased, and the final stage starts pushing the patient into severe AD which is tremendously pathetic. Studies have proved that loss of function of neurons is the cause of AD. A closer look into the aspect revealed a complex set of events that precede the neuronal degeneration- oxidative stress and imbalance in homeostasis, formation of roadblocks in communication, falling apart of integrity and death of neurons. This enabled to go beyond the findings of superficial studies done and hypothesis developed, and helped to delve much deeper into the inner workings and mechanism of the disease. Hypotheses developed to explain mechanism of AD are: amyloid cascade hypothesis, cholinergic hypothesis and tau hypothesis. Amyloid cascade hypothesis says, APP- Amyloid Precursor Protein, a transmembrane protein involved in main roles of growth, survival and repair of nerve cells- is snipped at wrong places by an enzyme called secretase, leading to the formation of amyloid ÃŽ ² peptides which accumulates to form plaques- amyloid plaques- and bind to synapses blocking the communication channel, event ually causes memory loss. According to cholinergic hypothesis, downward drift in the levels of acetylcholine in brain is the cause for Alzheimer’s disease. Loss of function of cholinergic neurons was found in Alzheimer’s disease patients. Shift in the level of acetylcholine happens due to the lack of two enzymes involved in synthesis and breaking down of acetylcholine. This will lead to loss of function of neurons; brain’s functionality falls apart, and eventually leads to symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Tau hypothesis approaches the problem in another perspective, tau protein- a protein associated with microtubules in nerve cells- gets hyperphosphorylated, this enables cross linking among tau protein units, and they back off from being attached to the microtubules. This causes loss of structural integrity of nerve cells, and they collapse and clump to form tangles- neurofibrillary tangles. Studies conducted focusing on the inner workings of these hypoth esis have found that oxidative stress is the reason that enhances plaque and tangle formation, repair mechanisms in cells are unable to solve the situation as the oligomer formation and cross linking are predominantly made by non peptide bonds. In another study, amyloid ÃŽ ² peptides have shown close relation with some causes of mad cow disease. Studies related to genetics of AD have found the link between APOE gene on chromosome 21 and the disease. APOE gene codes for apolipoprotein, and one among its functions is breaking down of APP. APOE has variants, APOEÃŽ µ4 is the one which codes for less active protein whose capacity to break down APP is sluggish. People with this variant gene are more tend to develop AD in later stages of life, and any abnormality related to chromosome 21 also results in AD over a period of time. To know more about the mechanism of disease and its attachment to oxidative stress, further studies have done from different angles, and all the studies have come to a common point, the findings from all the studies stitched together gave a complex and elaborate picture about the mechanism of the disease. Free radical damage leads to oxidation of products in cell. Oxidation leads to new end products of glycation, nitration, lipid peroxidation, and oxidation of nucleic acids. These new end products chemically modify other proteins and compartments inside the cell. Oxidized derivatives impede with the channel of trace elements, and imbalances their homeostasis, and enables proteins like tau to form non peptide cross linking. In response to changes cell up the levels of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1)- an antioxidant enzyme to mitigate the bad effects from free radical damage- but rapid heaping up of neurotoxic substances goes beyond control leading to severe imbalances, blockage of communicati on channels, and eventually death of neuron. Since mitochondria is the main source of free radicals and oxidative precursors. Certain deletions in mtDNA resulted in change in normal levels and rates of metabolism and production of free radicals. Free radicals formed in mitochondria are short lived and they do not have the ability to cross membrane and reach cytoplasm to cause damage, this led studies in a new direction and found free radicals- OH from cytoplasm- can attack guanidine in RNAs in cytoplasm and this both can cross the membrane and reach into mitochondria, and cause imbalance and production of more stable H2O2 radicals which can come to cytoplasm and react with the channel of trace elements, and starts the primary events for the major causes for AD to come into being. AD starts at neocortex area of brain, and as the neurons die and rupture, the neurotoxic substances- plaques, free radicals, tangles, etc. pervade the nearby nerve cells, and the cycle goes on and graduall y covers the brain and makes it slip out of its normal being. Oxidative stress in brain leads to degeneration of neurons, which eventually leads to dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This oxidative stress in brain can be slowed down or reversed- to a small extent- using drugs to treat AD or using antioxidant capacity of some medicinal plants. In this study rats were arranged into seven groups, and different groups were treated with different plant extracts and rivastigmine. AD was induced using aluminum chloride- rats were given aluminum chloride for one month, and the dosage was 17mg/kg of body weight. One group was kept as control- healthy control and another group as AD-induced. Rivastigmine was given to group 3. Group 4 and 5 were treated with extracts of a medicinal plant- Salvia triloba; and group 6 and 7 were treated with extract made from Piper nigrum. The rats were given drug and extracts for three months. At the end of three months duration biochemical assays and histopathology was done to examine the changes happened to t he brains. The following things were checked for in serum: malondialdehyde, total antioxidant capacity and nitric oxide, and level of superoxide dismutase were checked in erythrocytes. Acetylcholine and acetylcholine esterase levels were checked in brain samples and another group of brain samples were given for histopathology. From the results, the rats which were treated with Piper nigrum extract and rivastigmine showed increase in brain Ach, and serum TAC and SOD; and a significant decrease in brain AchE, and serum MDA and NO. The rats which were treated with extract of Salvia triloba showed even better result in subduing the oxidative stress to a certain limit. Antioxidant capacity of plants was used to bring down the effects of oxidative stress in brain. Here, the effect of the extract made from Boswellia serrata is compared with rivastigmine on rats with AD- induced by oral administration of aluminum chloride. Ninety male rats were used in the study. They were made into nine groups. Group 1 was kept as healthy control, group 2 was given with aluminum chloride for four weeks, and group 3 was treated with rivastigmine, group 4 and 5 were treated with two different concentrations of plant extract made from Boswellia serrata. Groups 3 to 5 were treated with a combination of aluminum chloride and other things to check the ability of extract and drugs to protect the brain from the stress. Group 6 was given with water after inducing AD. Group 7 was given with rivastigmine, and group 8 and 9 were given with two different concentrations of plant extract- this was done for twelve weeks. Cognitive tests were done at the beginning of each new stage o f the study. At the end of the duration of the study, the brain samples were subjected to biochemical assays and histopathology. From the results, B.serrata has significant ability to reduce the oxidative stress in brain, and higher dose if the extract showed better effect- bringing down the severity of oxidative stress damage. Bacopa monnieri is another plant used to trim the effects of AD. This plant is used since ancient times for improving intelligence, and in this study its ability to protect against AD is checked. Alcoholic extracts of the plant was made for the study. AD was induced using ethylcholine aziridinium ion (AF64A)- administered intracerebroventricular way bilaterally. Plant extract was given to the rats two weeks before and one week after the administration of AF64A. rats were subjected to cognitive tests. Rats treated with the plant extract cleared the tests in less time. Histopathology results showed, low dose of the plant extract brought down the degree of damage in brain- reduction of neurons density. Low dose showed better result compared to the medium and high dose. The study has not revealed the mechanism of action of the plant extract, but it showed the scope for a further study on the same. Targeted drug delivery to brain in case of Alzheimer’s disease is more complex process due to many factors like blood brain barrier and actions of plasma proteins. But nanoparticles are used for targeted drug delivery, and this is again affected by physiochemical properties of Nanoparticles in different surfactants, stability of nanoparticles and organic coating or capping agent on nanoparticles. Blood brain barrier is a homeostatic defense mechanism used by brain to screen out pathogens and unwanted materials from entering brain. The barrier screens the solutes biochemically, physicochemically and structurally at the periphery. There are times when blood brain barrier breaks down due to certain infections or due to any physical reason, and this makes it skew from its usual nature- highly selectively permeable. Studies have been conducted to find how nanoparticles are treated at blood brain barrier. In a study, nanoparticles were made by warm microemulsion precursors, and the nanoparticles were radiolabelled by entrapment. Then an in situ study was conducted to check how nanoparticles cross the blood brain barrier. From the study it was concluded that endocytosis or transcytosis as possible mechanism for the transport across the barrier- more studies are yet to be conducted. Studies have shown that clioquinol- a quinoline derivative- can solubilize amyloid ÃŽ ² plaques in vitro and this could prevent accumulation of amyloid ÃŽ ² plaques in Alzheimer’s disease transgenic mice- an in vivo study. Clioquinol has shown its ability to dissolve plaques which are induced by Zn and Cu ions- NMR studies have shown that clioquinol can remove bound Cu ions from amyloid ÃŽ ² plaques. The study conducted has overlooked the toxicity part of clioquinol- though clioquinol has many side effects attached to it at high doses. It has shown in the later part of the study that clioquinol coupled with nanoparticles could easily cross the blood brain barrier- higher degre e of uptake by brain. So, clioquinol-nanoparticle delivery system is suggested to be considered as one among the models for treating Alzheimer’s disease by targeted drug delivery. Even though using nanoparticles are considered for drug delivery, there are studies showing the side effects, and doses. In a study- toxicity of silver nanoparticles- it was found that exposure to more than 125mg/kg of silver nanoparticles will lead to liver damage due to toxicity. In a study curcumin nanoparticle formulation was used to test its effect on Alzheimer’s disease in mice. Nanocurcumin was synthesized and orally given to the mice for twelve days. Memory tests were done before starting every new stage of the experiment. Results have shown that mice treated with nanocurcumin could clear the cognitive tests- significant improvements were observed.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Crime And Punishment Dream Ana Essay -- essays research papers

Dreams of Good and Evil   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dreams are windows into peoples sub conscience and their true emotions and gives important clues to emotional disturbances. Sigmund Freud, the first person to systematically study dreams, said that desires are revealed in the form of dreams. Freud said that dreams gratify those desires which that a person would never express while awake. Psychiatrists today tend to view dreams as attempts to solve problems rather than as the fulfillment of unconscious desires. Whatever dreams are, they gratify a physiological and psychological need of humans. In Crime and Punishment, Raskolinov manifests guilt itself in a dream in which Ilya Petrovich mercilessly beats his landlady. This dream is a vision into Raskolinov’s emotional disturbances and signifies resentment and fear.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Raskolinov’s dreams are continual conflicts between his dark and hateful mind and his conscience. His mind drives him to murder and inflates his ego to make him feel as an â€Å"extraordinary man.† On the other hand, his conscience struggles to hinder these violent motives. Raskolinov’s mind is at battle with itself in a conflict of morals and corruption that is manifested into the dream of the mare. Dostoevsky uses the dream as evidence of Raskolinov’s psychic illness. Raskolinov can be identified as all of the characters in his dream: Mikolka, the jeering crowd, the beaten horse, and the innocent child. Raskolinov’s confusion and obvio...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Nazi Concentration Camps

The Holocaust was one of the world’s worst genocides; concentration camps were the worst place to be if you were a captive. Adolf Hitler, a Nazi, convinced many that certain groups of people needed to be exterminated. He started concentration camps to terrorize his enemies. The first concentration camps started in 1933, six years before World War Two began. There were several concentration camps. These concentration camps consisted of European Jews, P. O. W. ’s (Prisoners of War), political prisoners, criminals, homosexuals, and gypsies, the mentally ill and other groups.The first concentration camp was called Dachau, located in Munich, Germany. It was opened March 22, 1933. Within five years of Dachau opening, the number of concentration camps quadrupled. The Nazis created different types of camps, for example, labor camps, transit and collection camps, P. O. W. camps, hostage (or death camps), and extermination camps. Labor concentration camps were where inmates had t o do hard labor under inhumane conditions and cruel treatment. Transit and collection camps were where inmates were collected and transferred to main camps.Prisoner of war camps were where prisoners were held after being captured. These P. O. W. camps caused torture and liquidation of prisoners on a large scale. Death camps were where hostages were held and killed as reprisals. Extermination camps were a mixture of the other camps and were not useful people were sent to be killed. These concentration camps were all horrible but Auschwitz was the worst. Auschwitz was located in Poland and was opened in June 1940. Auschwitz was a total of 40 kilometers. Auschwitz was a labor and extermination camp. Auschwitz had three other sub camps Auschwitz 2 Birkenau and Auschwitz 3.Auschwitz had the highest death count compared to any other camp. It’s estimated that 4 million people were sent to Auschwitz and 1. 1 million died at Auschwitz. The prisoners died of starvation, exhaustion, dis eases, or killed inhumanely by being shot, burned, or gassed. For the most part, children and elders in the concentration camps were treated the worst. If a child was born in a concentration camp, they would be killed on the spot. Most children and elders were killed as soon as they got to the concentration camps if they looked too weak to be useful to work.Some were used for drug and surgery experiments. To save the amount of poison gas and ammunition used to kill people, some children would be thrown into ovens or put into open fire pits. These prisoners were also beaten, put in pressure chambers, or frozen to death. The Nazis were brutal and didn’t care who they killed. There were many escape attempts, though only 802 attempts on record. Only 144 made it out but most of them were caught and killed, or taken back to camp and starved to death. If someone successfully made it out of the camp, random people in their prisoner block would be starved.One of the most successful es capes was when a few prisoners dressed as guards, stole a car and drove out the front gate, they were never caught. The most successful escape was when Oscar Schindler got 300 women out of Auschwitz. Oscar pretended to be one of the people in charge of the camp. Before the freight car full of people got to the camp, he told them to send them back. When they got back, he took them to a safe house and looked after them. The concentration camps were all shut down on May 7, 1945 when World War Two ended.It was estimated that 7,991,460 people lost their lives in the concentration camps. When the Germans were defeated by the allies they were forced to close down all of the concentration camps. Most of the camps were destroyed. Some of the camps were used as prisons for the Nazis. Some of these concentration camps have been converted into museums and memorials for those who lost their lives. Bibliography 1. Nazi concentration camps Jan 14-17 2011 http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Nazi_concent ration_camps 2. Auschwitz, Nazi death camp Jan 14-17 2011 http://www. auschwitz. dk/auschwitz. htm

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Cesaro summation Essays - Mathematical Analysis, Mathematics

Cesaro summation Essays - Mathematical Analysis, Mathematics Cesaro summation Does 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 = 1/2? Submitted to: Mr. Mark Submitted by: Putri Introduction In mathematical analysis, which includes the study sequences and series, the infinite series 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + ., can be also called Grandi's series. This is named after an Italian mathematician, philosopher and a priest, Guido Grandi. It is known as a divergent series which means that it lacks a sum in the conventional sense. Contrarily, the Cesaro sum is . Cesaro summation allocates values to some infinite sums which are not convergent usually. This sum is defined as the limit of the arithmetic mean of the partial sums of the series. It is named after Ernesto Cesaro, an Italian analyst (1859 - 1906). Most individuals often acknowledge statements and proofs regarding the Cesaro summation as an implication of Eilenberg-Mazur swindle. One example can be drawn from the Grandi's series. It is usually applied to the Grandi's series and the conclusion is that the sum of that series is . This result is totally be disproven. What is the sum of the infinite sequence 1, -1, 1, -1, 1? From my opinion, the two major intuitive answers are either that it sums to zero or no sum at all. If we arrange the pattern into pairs, then each pair (1, -1), which in result gives a 0. However if we arrange the pattern by first leaving the 1, then grouping pairs of (-1,1) would end up giving a sum of 1. First of all, it's worth seeing why we shouldn't just use our formula for an infinite geometric series: In the formula, r is the multiplicative constant of -1. The infinite geometric formula requires that the absolute value of r is less than 1, or else the series will not converge. The Cesaro Method Let a n } be a sequence, and let be the k th partial sum of the series. The series is called Cesaro summable, with Cesaro sum , if the average value of its partial sums tends to A : Simply put, the Cesaro sum of an infinite series is the limit of the arithmetic mean of the first n partial sums of the series, as n approaches infinity. If a series is convergent, then it can be summed and called Cesaro summable and its Cesaro sum is 0. For any convergent sequence, the corresponding series will be Cesaro summable and the limit of the sequence occur simultaneously with the Cesaro sum. Mathematical Computations Using the Cesaro method, If a n = (1) n +1 for n 1. It means, a n } is the sequence. 1,-1,1,-1... Then the sequence of partial sums s n } is 1, 0, 1, 0, ... so while the series not converge, if we calculate the terms of the sequence ( s 1 + + s n ) / n } we get: so that So, by using various different methods, I have shown that this series "should" have a summation of 0 (grouping in pairs), or that it "should" have a sum of 1 (grouping in pairs after the first 1), or that it "should" have no sum as it simply oscillates, or that it "should" have a Cesaro sum of , unsurprisingly it caused so much dismay amongst mathematicians. Conclusion The Grandi's series got its name after a few hundred years of mathematical debate to find what the correct summation was. This is quite a long time. And one of the solution to it was the finding of Cesaro summation which gives a result of . To sum up, we can never know the Cesaro sum if no one discover or study the series in depth, so we can't just guess the real answer based on our intuition, it could be correct but in reality, there is so much more that needs to be discovered. The series can actually be extended to a more complex one, , this includes the exploration of the sum of powers of i. The Ce saro sum shows how different proofs can sometimes lead to different and unforeseen results. What does this statements say about the nature of proof? Reflection

Monday, October 21, 2019

Macbeth Essays (945 words) - Characters In Macbeth, Free Essays

Macbeth Essays (945 words) - Characters In Macbeth, Free Essays Macbeth Macbeth is the epitome of what the literary world regards a "tragic hero". His admirable qualities are supplanted with greed and hate when he is duped by the three witches. Thunder and lightning. Enter three Witches. Yes, it is the first scene from William Shakespeare's Macbeth, a tragic tale of one man's quest for power and his ultimate defeat. The story revolves around our tragic hero, Macbeth, and how an admirable and noble man, so established in society, can fall so greatly. Throughout the play, he is driven by an obsession to become King of Scotland, and in the process commits acts of betrayal and treachery to achieve this goal. However, Macbeth is not the only character involved in this sordid affair. His wife, the manipulative Lady Macbeth, three prophetic witches and members of the Scottish aristocracy all play pivotal in the drama. Lady Macbeth, the great woman behind the man, plots, scheme and propels Macbeth into a nightmare of falsehood and guilt. The wiches, or weird sisters, embody the supernatural element of this tragedy. With their imperfect predictions and calculated duplicity, they created chaos in Macbeth's mind as they toy wit! h his sense of security. The Scottish aristocracy comprises of King Duncan, the two princes - Malcolm and Donalbain, and various other thanes and nobles, including Macbeth's friend Banquo. They serve as barriers for Macbeth and, regardless of friend or foe, he chooses to either "fall down, or else o'er-leap" these hurdles. However, one hurdle that proves too great is his nemesis: Macduff. After Macbeth's false sense of security is shattered, a mighty swipe of Macduff's sword releases Macbeth from a tangled web of desire, design and deceit. Macbeth has, as his wife says, the milk of human kindness (which was not a cliche when the play was written), the kind of affection that many people have for others when self-interest is not rampant. He has a high regard for Duncan and Banquo, defaming the latter only once (III.i.74 ff.). He differs from Duncan in this regard in that the King's charity is of a quality that works to transform human society into a family and that, as G. R. Elliott points out, "makes the spirit of Duncan persist through the play after his death." Nevertheless, Macbeth shares in a somewhat limited way in the moral nature of manhood as seen in I.vii.46-47, as E. M. Waith observes, without wanting to contract himself at the urgings of his wife into a paragon of energy, energy simply devoted to utterly selfish ends. Macbeth thus differs from Macduff, who more fully realizes both the valorous and moral nature of manhood, and from Richard III, who is a melodramatic villain and indeed a scourge of God. Macbeth, unlike Richard, is not completely hardened even at the end of the play. He exhibits remorse immediately after the murder of Duncan, and he repeatedly displays anguish after commission of his atrocities. In proposing the savage murder of Macduff's family, he speaks of these "unfortunate" souls (IV.i.152) without attaching irony or sadism to this adjective. The passage "I have lived long enough" (V.iii.22-28) is not, in its apprehension of the failure of a life, the utterance of a thorough reprobate like Richard; and "poor heart" (V.iii.28) is analogous to "unfortunate souls." Macbeth, unlike Richard, is self- tortured and thus wins of us a degree of sympathy. Macbeth is utterly free from Richard's savage humor as seen, for example, in his jesting about sending Clarence to Heaven post-post-haste. Unlike Iago, Macbeth is unequipped with a philosophy of egoism. Unlike Lady Macbeth, he does not pray to have his nature altered. He makes no formal compact, as Faustus does, with the Devil. He never chastises his wife for her failure to bear sons though his ambition is dynastic rather than personal, and even though, whatever Renaissance medical theory may have taught, royal practice as observable in the reign of Henry VIII held the wife rather than the husband to blame for lack of issue. Although there is slight evidence that Macbeth uses Lady Macbeth not to form his murderous intent toward Duncan but to give him courage and practical insight into the way this piece of regicide may be committed, he vacillates

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Teach the Past Continuous to ESL Students

How to Teach the Past Continuous to ESL Students The main concept to relay when teaching the past continuous is the idea that the past continuous expresses an interrupted action. In other words, the past continuous speaks about what was going on when something important happened. The past continuous can be used by itself to express what happened at a precise moment in the past. However, the most common use is together with the past simple  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹(when something happened). You might want to consider teaching the past simple together with the past continuous for intermediate level classes, as the past simple will be review for students. Introduction Start by speaking about what was interrupted. Describe an important past event and then fill in the details as a painter would fill in background details by using the past continuous form. This immediately illustrates the idea that the past continuous is used to set the context of what was happening at that moment in time. Id like to tell you about the day I met my wife. I was walking through the park, the birds were singing and it was raining just a little bit when I saw her! She was sitting on the bench and reading a book at that moment. Ill never be the same. This example is exaggerated for a reason. It boldly conveys the point. Continue introducing the past continuous by asking students simple questions in the past simple about events. Follow up these questions with a question asking what was happening when the event occurred. When did you leave home this morning - At nine oclock.What was your sister doing when you left home?Where did you meet your girlfriend? - At school.What were you doing when you met her? The next step in teaching the past continuous is to include simultaneous actions using while. Explain that while is used when two actions happen at the same time in the past. Its a good idea to point out the difference between while and during, to help avoid confusion. Practice Explaining the Past Continuous on the Board Use a past continuous timeline to illustrate interrupted action. Contrasting this timeline with the past continuous for something happening at a specific point in the past may help illustrate the difference between the two uses. Make sure that students understand the use of time clauses with when and while to help them use the past continuous in context. Comprehension Activities Comprehension activities such as using photos in magazines will help with the past continuous. In this case, make it clear to students that they are to describe the event in the past. You can model this by using a photo in a magazine to describe such an event. Dialogues beginning with What were you doing? will help students practice. A creative writing exercise on the past continuous will also help students build their ability to integrate the past continuous into more advanced structures. Challenges The single greatest challenge to learning the past continuous is deciding which action is the main event: in other words, which event interrupted the action in progress in the past moment in time? Other challenges can include the use of the past continuous to express an activity that happened over a period of time. Its crucial for students to understand that the past continuous describes a particular moment in time, and not a completed event. Here are examples of this type of issue: I was studying science yesterday.She was cooking dinner last night. In other words, the past continuous needs the context of another event when stopped the action in progress at the time.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Korean Histiory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Korean Histiory - Essay Example This attack followed an earlier attack, assumed to have been instigated by North Korea, which resulted in the sinking of a South Korean naval ship and caused the death of over 40 crew members. However, as the sirens rang, children’s laughter could be heard in the streets which created a surreal sensation of contradiction in this divided nation. It left many bystanders, both Korean and foreign, questioning the validity of the drill; throughout 2010, people in South Korea have been debating over the possibility of an outbreak of war but, even in these debates, citizens are divided over important issues that are central to the historical and current situation faced by North and South Korea.1 Park Chan-wook’s 2000 movie, Joint Security Area, masterfully captures the endless contradictions imbedded within this ideological crisis, and the audience watches as these contradictions simultaneously destroy the characters while providing a glimpse into the possibility of a reunific ation between the North and the South. Korea has been characterized as a land of contradictions. This is poignantly depicted in JSA, in which nothing is as it seems; although North Korea has consistently been portrayed as monstrous in its military ambitions and nationalistic intentions, the movie depicts a very different interpretation of North Koreans. The portrayal of the JSA is pivotal to this alternative depiction of the North because it serves as a site where a crack in the ideological divide can be initiated. At first, the two opposing sides of the JSA are defined in stark contrast to the other, with the North Korean side being highly monitored and regimented, and the South Korean side being used as a site of voyeuristic tourism – the visual manifestation of communism versus democracy. However, as night falls, the ideological gap between North and South, which seems

Friday, October 18, 2019

European Community Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

European Community Business Law - Essay Example The characteristics are unique and as such, the European foods with specific characteristics are only approved for production by producers who adhere fully to the traditional methods of production within a given demographic area. Essentially, the notion of PDO delineates that certain food names are protected based on geographic origin or the recipe utilized. Inherent in this notion are clear guidelines for naming the food products.1 First and foremost, PDO was instituted in 1993 as a direct result of legislation of the European Union. Under this legislation, there were clear and concise guidelines for the systematic naming of foods based on a protocol as defined by the European Union. Utilizing this systematic naming protocol, EU certifies regional and traditional foods whereby these foods are guaranteed to be authentic and to have originated from the alleged region. Under this system, foods or beverages registered through the EU are given legal protection against imitation along with the right to litigate to protect those rights2 In order for a product to be registered and the producers offered the rights that accompany registration, there must be a formal application made to the Department of environment, food and rural affairs (Defra). The application must be accompanied by supporting documentation which indicates that the food product is produced, processed and prepared within a geographic area and by virtue of this, the product has inherent characteristics that derive from the geographic area. The application is then examined by the staff of Defra and any pertinent questions may be raised and correspondence incited between the applicant and the Defra officials. If the application proves to have some merit after the Defra investigation, it is then passed on to the European Commission for further investigation. When the application reaches the European Commission, the Commission is afforded up to six months to determine the validity of the claim. In so doing, the Commission is free to seek the assistance o f the Scientific Committee which is established solely for this purpose. In offering assistance, the Scientific Committee can conduct tests and offer expert opinion with regards to the geographic origin of the product. If after consulting with the Scientific Committee, the Commission is satisfied that the product warrants PDO registration, a summary sheet of the product is published in the Official Journal of the European Community. At this point, the registration is open for objections for the next six months. If no objections are made, then the product is officially registered with the European Union and offered the status of PDO.3 This status affords the producers the following benefits: Legal protection throughout the European Union. This protection prevents the imitation of a PDO product and in cases where there is imitation, it offers litigious assistance. Increased awareness of the existence of the product and the potential to promote it both locally and throughout the European Union. Increased funding potential through the lure of public funds. Strategic product positioning at the high-end of the market. A larger customer base.4 Currently, there are twelve products which have attained the PDO designation. These products are Buxton Blue cheese, White stilton cheese - Blue stilton cheese and Dovedale cheese all of which are associated with the

What are local solutions towards achieving the eradication of poverty Research Proposal

What are local solutions towards achieving the eradication of poverty and hunger in Sierra Leone - Research Proposal Example The research will use secondary data like National human development report for Sierra Leone 1996and other published reports about poverty eradication. It will also employ primary data such as case studies, focused group discussion with government leaders, public and private sector companies, and the wider civil society representatives at different levels. Interview of key informants such as local people affected by poverty, policy developers, government advisory board and decision makers and well as local economists in the nation will give crucial information. Poverty is rampant and deep in Sierra Leone; approximately twenty-six percent of the Sierra Leone people are poor and unable to afford daily basic diet and about seventy percent live in deep poverty. A widespread difference in geographical distribution of poverty exists, even though, over 65% of the people reside in rural regions and  ¾ of them are poor. In poverty-stricken regions (where armed conflict ruined tree crops or people depend on unproductive local farming and artisan mining), over eight in every ten people are extremely poor. The profile of the nation demonstrates poverty indicators such as inadequate food, poor housing and health centers, increased illiteracy, inadequate clean water access and inadequate access to financial facilities and money, (Okai, 2003). Maternal and infant mortality and rates of fertility are high in these regions, and prevalence of contraceptives and female education is low. Household poverty is widespread on local farmers, families led by illi terate people and large families. With increased poverty and hunger levels in Sierra Leone, experts believe that local strategies stand a chance in poverty eradication. Eradication of poverty is the linchpin in millennium goals achievement in Sierra Leone, therefore; local strategies and efforts will play a crucial role in poverty eradication, (Elliott, Webber & Sierra Leone, 1993). For

Political Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Political Economy - Essay Example In addition, markets provide a framework where people voluntarily exchange their goods and services for an agreed compensation.In analyzing the Australian manufacturing industry, Freebairn uses a combination of the Keynesian and the neoclassical theories to drive his point home. The Keynesian theory, which is based on the works of the British economist john Maynard Keynes, is an economic theory that advocates for a system of a mixed economy. According to Keynesianism, the state as well as the private sector has their own roles to play in order to hasten the process of economic development. According to Freebairn, the government has the duty of providing a stable macro economic environment as well as the provision of conducive fiscal and monetary policies. On the other hand, the private sector is charged with the duty of carrying out research and development in order to come up with less labor-intensive modes of production as well as the use of less carbon intensive processes. In so d oing the government will compensate for what the private sector lacks in the production systems. In addition, since the government is well equipped to increase aggregate demand, especially at the macro level then the government through increased spending will indirectly increase the demand for industrial goods within the economy.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction at Essay

Relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction at Mcdonalds restaurants - Essay Example HR initiatives of McDonald’s greatly facilitate job satisfaction and create a highly motivated and effective workforce. It promotes a sense of shared vision and collective responsibility resulting in improved performance and productivity. Apart from this, McDonald’s conscientiously encourages professional development through in-house training and creating a continuous learning environment. It helps nurture a high standard of ethics and quality work by inculcating sense of responsibility and accountability in their work parameters. The regular incentives for improved performance, in-house discount on food items and flexible timings are few other vital factors for high job satisfaction amongst the McDonald’s workforce. The recent initiatives by the management to promote employment of people who have been unemployed for more than six months hugely reflects the company’s social consciousness and labor friendly policies (Burley, 2009). One can therefore, conclu de that organizational commitment and job satisfaction at McDonald’s are intrinsically linked. The various service and reward programs encourage its employees to give their best. Its commitment to diversity at workplace ensures relationship building through cross cultural understanding and mutual respect. Reference Burley, Briar. (25 March, 2009) McDonald’s to help unemployed.

Jonathan Safra Foer Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2005) Literature review

Jonathan Safra Foer Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2005) - Literature review Example For instance, in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies the innocent respond to the apocalypse by hopelessly degenerating into abject crudeness and barbarity, thereby questioning the supposed nobility of human existence and the lofty achievements of human civilization (Otten 1982). In contrast, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee shows the innocent witnessing the rampant social injustices with their inherent simplicity and artlessness, without attempting any analytical or immaturely logical approach towards trying to figure out things (Sterne 1994). In Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner, the innocent succumb to the defilement of cherished intimacy and friendship before an abject sense of helplessness and painful unconcern (Shivani 2007). In that context, Jonathan Safran Foer, in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close affects a unique treatment to the theme under consideration, in the sense that it celebrates the survival of innocence, signified by its very ability to feel pain , trauma and loss and its adamant stubbornness to seek out a meaning in the surrounding gloom and apathy. In Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, nine year old Oskar is an innocent from the 21st century, who, though, inflicted by the sorrow and loss affected by a very contemporary apocalypse, refuses to give up. On the contrary, he chooses to squarely grapple with the bizarre aftermath wrecked by the apocalypse, painstakingly and deliberately looking out for solutions, trying to eke out explanations, desperately desiring to cull out some sense out of the world obsessed with nihilism. Story of Oskar depicts how the innocent collide with reality in the modern times. According to Claude Peck, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is not as much a novel about 9/11, but rather a literary after-effect, which tends to illustrate the varied imaginative and psychological dimensions of the apocalypse (2005). To explore this modern day apocalypse, Foer had to improvise an offbeat format marked b y vivid pictures, photos and illustrations portraying themes and scenes from the novel, empty pages and pages having only one sentence, coloured graphics, doodles, typographical oddities and a strange ending involving multiple pages showing a man falling from a skyscraper (Peck 2005). The novel vividly delineates how innocent Oskar tries to come to terms with his personal loss and trauma, his resultant bouts of anxiety, insomnia, self-mutilation and depression (Peck 2005). In many ways, Oskar is an exceptional nine years old, as he is a vegan, regularly corresponds with Stephen Hawking, can converse in passable French and is an avid and ingenuous inventor. However, one thing that Oskar has in common with all the New York children, and actually with many of the New Yorkers, is his deep seated sense of remorse and despair over the 9/11 World Trade Centre attack (Peck 2005). Surprisingly, Oskar responds to this tragedy by zealously trying to translate his anguish into pragmatic action, into some meaningful search that culminates into something life affirming, a possible resuscitation of the bruised yet indefatigable spirit of modern humanity (Peck 2005). Sadly, Oskar’s approach towards facing reality is not so liked by some prophets of the yore. Perhaps, as usual they consider innocence and naivety to be synonymous. In a review written for the New Yorker, John Updike commented on the futility of filling a 300 plus page book with â€Å"

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Political Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Political Economy - Essay Example In addition, markets provide a framework where people voluntarily exchange their goods and services for an agreed compensation.In analyzing the Australian manufacturing industry, Freebairn uses a combination of the Keynesian and the neoclassical theories to drive his point home. The Keynesian theory, which is based on the works of the British economist john Maynard Keynes, is an economic theory that advocates for a system of a mixed economy. According to Keynesianism, the state as well as the private sector has their own roles to play in order to hasten the process of economic development. According to Freebairn, the government has the duty of providing a stable macro economic environment as well as the provision of conducive fiscal and monetary policies. On the other hand, the private sector is charged with the duty of carrying out research and development in order to come up with less labor-intensive modes of production as well as the use of less carbon intensive processes. In so d oing the government will compensate for what the private sector lacks in the production systems. In addition, since the government is well equipped to increase aggregate demand, especially at the macro level then the government through increased spending will indirectly increase the demand for industrial goods within the economy.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Jonathan Safra Foer Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2005) Literature review

Jonathan Safra Foer Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2005) - Literature review Example For instance, in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies the innocent respond to the apocalypse by hopelessly degenerating into abject crudeness and barbarity, thereby questioning the supposed nobility of human existence and the lofty achievements of human civilization (Otten 1982). In contrast, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee shows the innocent witnessing the rampant social injustices with their inherent simplicity and artlessness, without attempting any analytical or immaturely logical approach towards trying to figure out things (Sterne 1994). In Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner, the innocent succumb to the defilement of cherished intimacy and friendship before an abject sense of helplessness and painful unconcern (Shivani 2007). In that context, Jonathan Safran Foer, in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close affects a unique treatment to the theme under consideration, in the sense that it celebrates the survival of innocence, signified by its very ability to feel pain , trauma and loss and its adamant stubbornness to seek out a meaning in the surrounding gloom and apathy. In Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, nine year old Oskar is an innocent from the 21st century, who, though, inflicted by the sorrow and loss affected by a very contemporary apocalypse, refuses to give up. On the contrary, he chooses to squarely grapple with the bizarre aftermath wrecked by the apocalypse, painstakingly and deliberately looking out for solutions, trying to eke out explanations, desperately desiring to cull out some sense out of the world obsessed with nihilism. Story of Oskar depicts how the innocent collide with reality in the modern times. According to Claude Peck, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is not as much a novel about 9/11, but rather a literary after-effect, which tends to illustrate the varied imaginative and psychological dimensions of the apocalypse (2005). To explore this modern day apocalypse, Foer had to improvise an offbeat format marked b y vivid pictures, photos and illustrations portraying themes and scenes from the novel, empty pages and pages having only one sentence, coloured graphics, doodles, typographical oddities and a strange ending involving multiple pages showing a man falling from a skyscraper (Peck 2005). The novel vividly delineates how innocent Oskar tries to come to terms with his personal loss and trauma, his resultant bouts of anxiety, insomnia, self-mutilation and depression (Peck 2005). In many ways, Oskar is an exceptional nine years old, as he is a vegan, regularly corresponds with Stephen Hawking, can converse in passable French and is an avid and ingenuous inventor. However, one thing that Oskar has in common with all the New York children, and actually with many of the New Yorkers, is his deep seated sense of remorse and despair over the 9/11 World Trade Centre attack (Peck 2005). Surprisingly, Oskar responds to this tragedy by zealously trying to translate his anguish into pragmatic action, into some meaningful search that culminates into something life affirming, a possible resuscitation of the bruised yet indefatigable spirit of modern humanity (Peck 2005). Sadly, Oskar’s approach towards facing reality is not so liked by some prophets of the yore. Perhaps, as usual they consider innocence and naivety to be synonymous. In a review written for the New Yorker, John Updike commented on the futility of filling a 300 plus page book with â€Å"

A Format Paper Essay Example for Free

A Format Paper Essay Paragraphs in a Poetry Analysis Essay: Note: It is important to follow the guidelines for each paragraph as you would a cooking recipe. In other words, for each body paragraph, follow the simple ingredients. Format/Recipe for an Introduction: a). Write one to two sentences that briefly summarize the poem. Your first line should state the name of the poem, the poet’s full name, and the speaker’s intent or main idea. Note: For example, if you were writing about Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18, your first line would look something like, â€Å"William Shakespeare’s ‘Sonnet 18’ discusses the conflict that the speaker faces in trying to preserve the beauty of a young and innocent man. † Notice how this opening line follows the above instructions. b). Write about to three sentences that allow you to transition to the element that you will be discussing in your paper. This part is not your argument; this part is designed to transition yourself and your reader to the main point of your paper. ). Write a one to two sentence thesis statement. Your thesis statement will state your overall argument and include at least three rhetorical devices that you will analyze in order to support your argument. Note: For an in-depth discussion on constructing a solid thesis statement for this type of essay, feel free to refer to my previous article in the link provided here: Thesis Statement for a Poetry Analysis Essay Format/Recipe for Body Paragraph 1: a). Write one to two sentences that provide a discussion of your argument. Be sure to also mention one rhetorical device that you will use for support. This part of your paragraph should explain your argument and explain how and why the rhetorical device supports your claim. b). Quote a relevant line/lines that illustrate the rhetorical device that you are discussing, and make sure the quote is relevant to your argument. c). Write about two to three sentences that analyze this quote. Your analysis should reinforce your argument and your discussion of the rhetorical device. d). Write one closing sentence to seal off the paragraph. Format/Recipe for Body Paragraph 2: ). Using a transitional phrase, write one to two more sentences that further discuss your argument. Also, mention another rhetorical device that you will use for support. Your rhetorical device should be different from the first one that you discussed. However, this paragraph is set up just like body paragraph 1. b). Pick another relevant line(s) that support your claims about the second rhetoric al device. Again, make sure that the line(s) are relevant to your argument. c). Have about two to three more sentences that provide an analysis of these quoted lines. Just like body paragraph 1, your analysis should support your argument and the rhetorical device that you are discussing. d). Provide one closing sentence that seals off your paragraph. Format/Recipe for Body Paragraph 3: a). Starting with another transitional phrase, write one to two sentences that discuss your overall argument even more. Just like body paragraph 1 and 2, this paragraph will also include a discussion of a rhetorical device that proves your argument. Your rhetorical device needs to be a different from your first and second body paragraphs. When it comes to content and organization, body paragraph 3 will look just like body paragraph one and two. b). Provide a different line or lines that further emphasize your argument about your third rhetorical device. These lines need to relate to your argument. c). Just like body paragraph 1 and 2, include about two to three sentences that analyze your quoted lines. Just like body paragraph 1 and 2, your sentences should prove your argument, and show the reader how the rhetorical device that you are discussing illustrates your claims. d). Seal off your paragraph with one concluding sentence. Format/Recipe for a Conclusion: a). Write about one to two sentences that re-mentions your thesis statement from letter â€Å"c† in your introduction. Be sure to re-phrase your sentence structure so that you are not repetitive. b). In about three to four sentences, re-mention the rhetorical devices that you discussed to support your argument, and reiterate how these rhetorical devices proved your point. c). Write about two intelligent closing sentences that offer your reader some insight or philosophy about the poem that you wrote about. Editing:

Monday, October 14, 2019

Philosophical Influences: Declaration Of Independence

Philosophical Influences: Declaration Of Independence The Declaration of Independences importance matured greatly throughout history, especially the second sentence, an extensive proclamation of human rights: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. This single sentence of proclaiming human rights has been noted as one of the best-known sentences in the English language and the most potent and consequential words in American history. This passage alone has been utilized in many aspects to support the rights of various groups, as well as symbolizing for people a just and honorable standard in which the United States should endeavor. Continuing this important part of the Declaration, That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. This section of the Declaration that includes these specific words written by Thomas Jefferson were commemorated by the accomplishment of the American Revolution. However, these words were not exactly written of all originality on July 4, 1776. They were in fact not even fashioned out of Jeffersons own novelty or creativeness. It is unquestionably factual that the draft of the Declaration written by Jefferson was intuitive principally from his own perceptive ideas pertaining to government and its foundations, however, he did not assert to be the resource of insight for the ideas and thoughts he wrote on paper. Following the Revolution, and to which Jefferson admitted to, John Adams found fault in the idea that Jefferson had not written anything new for the Declaration. It was Thomas Jeffersons pen that wrote the Declaration of Independence, but who were its authors? The original Declaration was actually signed by fifty delegates to the Continental Congress, however, the document had greater influence past these signers. It is even wondered whether or not the Declaration of Independence contains original ideas. Jefferson describes it instead to be a statement of sentiments widely shared by supporters of the American Revolution. In 1825 Jefferson stated: Neither aiming at originality of principle or sentiment, nor yet copied from any particular and previous writing, it was intended to be an expression of the America mind, and to give to that expression the proper tone and spirit called for by the occasion. TO HENRY LEE Thomas Jefferson The Works, vol. 12 (Correspondence and Papers 1816-1826; 1905). The Online Library of Liberty. May 8, 1825. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The Declaration cannot be classified as having a single author, but more of having various influences. Thomas Jefferson, one of the principal authors of the Declaration of Independence was the third President of the United States and he was one of the most influential Founding Fathers for his encouragement of the principles of republicanism in the United States. He foresaw America as the power behind a great Empire of Liberty that would support republicanism and oppose the imperialism of the British Empire. Jefferson was attained distinction for numerous things including a horticulturist, political leader, architect, archaeologist, paleontologist, inventor, and founder of the University of Virginia. He was a very honored man due to all of his accomplishments. When John F. Kennedy welcomed 49 Nobel Prize winners to the White House in 1962 he said, I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent and of human knowledge that has ever been gathered together at the White House-with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Thomas Jefferson favored the individual and their individual rights over the government and big businesses. His vision for American virtue included an agricultural nation of yeoman farmers minding their own affairs. His agrarianism was contrasting to the vision of Alexander Hamiltion, who envisioned a nation of commerce and manufacturing, which Jefferson believed offered too many temptations for corruption. Jeffersons profound confidence in the individuality, uniqueness, and the potential of America made him the father of American exceptionalism. He was particularly convinced that an under-populated America could avoid what he thought to be the horrors of class-divided, industrialized Europe. Jefferson strongly believed the idea in which each individual has certain inalienable rights. This meaning, these rights exist with or without government, and man cannot create, take, or give these rights away. Jefferson is most noteworthy for enlightening the right of liberty. Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add within the limits of the law, because law is often but the tyrants will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Consequently, for Jefferson, although government cannot create a right to liberty, it can indeed violate it. The limit of an individuals rightful liberty is not what law says it is but is simply a matter of stopping short of prohibiting other individuals from having the same liberty. Jefferson believed a proper government to be one that not only prohibits individuals in society from infringing on the liberty of other individuals, but also restrains itself from diminishing individual liberty. His commitment to equality was articulated in his successful efforts to abolish primogeniture in Virginia, the rule by which the first born son inherited all the land. Jefferson believed that individuals have an inna te sense of morality that prescribes right from wrong when dealing with other individuals, that whether they choose to restrain themselves or not, they have an innate sense of natural rights of others. He even believed that moral sense to be reliable enough that an anarchist society could function well, provided that it was reasonably small. In several instances, he conveyed admiration for the tribal, communal way of living of Native Americans. In a letter to Colonel Carrington he said: I am convinced that those societies (as the Indians) which live without government, enjoy in their general mass an infinitely greater degree of happiness than those who live under the European governments.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. For this reason, he did support government for the American stretch provided that it exists by consent of the governed. Immediate sources of Influence for the Declaration of Independence include Jeffersons own draft of the preamble of the Constitution of Virginia and George Masons draft of the Virginia Declaration of Rights. Both ideas and phrases from both of these documents appear in the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson also looked at the English Declaration of Rights as a model of how to end the reign of an unjust king. Through this statement of natural rights Jefferson meant to release the idea that men are free by nature, are equal beings and should be free to pursue their dreams in life. This statement, however, was in disagreement with a majority of the thinking and reasoning of this time period, in that it was a ruler of a country, either king or an emperor, who passed down any rights given to the people of his kingdom. Thomas Jefferson disputed that it was nature that gave man rights, not people in power. Jefferson was exceptionally knowing of previous documents holding comparable ideas when he was writing the Declaration, including the treatise by Samuel Adams noted as Rights of the Colonists. Most of the political leaders during the Revolution had similar thoughts and ideas pertaining to the self-evident truths of the Declaration. Furthermore, the ideas articulated in the Declaration were common among many of the colonists of the period. The Declaration was vigilantly articulated for the reason of expressing the vision and thoughts of the colonists in broad-spectrum, as well for gaining their loyalty for the upcoming struggle in which they were to experience. It may be questioned how such claims were regarded by colonists in general and what the beginning of these thoughts were. In what previous documents to the Declaration were these beliefs presented as self-evident truths? In 1772, four preceding the signing of the Declaration, Samuel Adams penned a short essay known as Rights of the Colonists as Men. His words included the following: Among the natural rights of the Colonists are these: First, a right to life; Secondly, to liberty; Thirdly, to property; together with the right to support and defend them in the best manner they can. These are evident branches of, rather than deductions from, the duty of self-preservation, commonly called the first law of nature. All men have a right to remain in a state of nature as long as they please; and in case of intolerable oppression, civil or religious, to leave the society they belong to, and enter into another. When men enter into society, it is by voluntary consent.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Every natural right not expressly given up, or, from the nature of a social compact, necessarily ceded, remains. All positive and civil laws should conform, as far as possible, to the law of natural reason and equity. As neither reason requires nor religion permits the contrary, every man living in or out of a state of civil society has a right peaceably and quietly to worship God according to the dictates of his conscience.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Samuel Adams wrote The Rights of the Colonists when he was at the age of 50, as an element of assemblies in Massachusetts in 1772, subsequent to the Governor having liquefied the colonys Colonial Assembly. Three hundred townspeople congregated and voted to employ a board of communication, as well as having this committee outline a proclamation of the colonists rights. The accountability for arranging the initial draft was allocated to Samuel Adams. Passages from the end result, as previously quoted, were in quintessence consumed in a document entitled the Declaration of Rights, written by the Continental Congress in 1774 and as a final point in the Declaration of Independence in 1776. One of the manipulates on Adams idea is candidly affirmed by his personal thoughts in the Rights of the Colonists pertaining to religious toleration: Insomuch that Mr. Locke has asserted and proved, beyond the possibility of contradiction on any solid ground, that such toleration ought to be extended to all whose doctrines are not subversive of society. The connection involving Adams and John Locke is established multiple times in Adams writings. In 1771, in a journal in the Boston Gazette, he commenced his prime focus with the expressions Mr. Locke, in his treatise on government. English political theorist John Locke is often cited as a primary influence on the Declaration. Many of the phrases evident in the Declaration follow closely to certain sentences in Lockes Second Treatise on Government. Lockes classical liberalism greatly influenced republicanism. Hence, to the slightest, the political attitude and beliefs of John Locke was one of the fundamentals of the Declaration of Inde pendence, and examination gives evidence for the idea that the formation of inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness owe a great deal to John Lockes Second Treatise of Government that came into print in 1690. The responsibility to Locke is exposed by the subsequent passage from his Second Treatise. The title page articulates of the second treatise, The latter is an essay concerning the true original extent and end of civil government. The commencing lines concern the Biblical Adam and to his private dominion and parental jurisdiction, prearranged to him by God, which undoubtedly inscribes the production as founded eventually on Scripture, Gods Holy and Written Word. In sections 4, 6, and 13, Locke expresses his thoughts that: (A)ll men are naturally ina state of perfect freedom to order their actions, and dispose of their possessions and persons, as they think fit, within the bounds of the law of nature, without asking leave, or depending upon the will of any other man. A state also of equality A state of liberty, yet it is not a state of licence. The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one: and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions: for men being all the workmanship of one omnipotent, and infinitely wise maker; all the servants of one sovereign master, sent into the world by his order, and about his business; they are his property, whose workmanship they are, made to last during his, not one anothers pleasure Every onemay not, unless it be to do justice on an offender, take away, or impair the life, or what tends to the preservation of the life, the liberty, health, limb, or goods of another. In prà ©cis regarding these passages that came from Lockes treatise, there is a evidently identifiable formation of the rights of life, liberty, and property that subsists. Locke overtly preserves the idea that these human rights were fundamental and elemental rights of man, certain by God the Creator. These rights are undeniable due to the fact that they are recognized as an element of the God-given law of nature, and as a result are apparent in life itself. In his recurrent employment of the phrase law of nature, Locke positioned himself in a prosperous and time-privileged custom looking through history to the Bible itself. It is undoubtedly that Locke had the idea in his head a vision that centered around the bible, of the nature of man as created by God. One of the itemized rights evident in the Declaration, pursuit of happiness, is not initiated by Locke, who made use of the word happiness merely three times in the Second Treatise, in fairly limited frameworks. Locke focused as an alternative on the rights of property. The right to pursue happiness, which is thought to be much extensive in possibility, is distinguishable through the Federalist Papers written John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton, influenced by the assumed name Publius. Ultimately, the comprehensiveness of happiness as a conception may be evident in the copious life guaranteed to man by Jesus Christ. Any one discussion pertaining to the suitable function of government may progress and advance through a glance back to the thoughts wherein our nation was established. In the Declaration of Independence, conceivably the most succinct articulation of those exact thoughts and principles may be discovered. The Declaration is perceptible in the idea that the Founders trusted in the beliefs that individual liberty, identified by the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, protected by a government constructed for that intention, gaining its justifiable power from the consent of the governed. The arrangement of the words in the Declaration is very significant. By vigilantly examining the Declaration, one may come across the idea that there is no reference of government to the point that the moral order of the world in which the Founders foresaw is presented. Their attitudes embark on a state of nature, in which no government has so far been fashioned by man. It is not until f ollowing the moral order is instituted that the political order -which is derived from this moral order-conversed. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. This very quote from the Declaration proves very important in both its order and meaning. We hold these truths to be Self-evident. In this section of the passage, as the first line, the authors allow the people to understand that reason offers the foundation of the proposal to come next. They declare the truths that are subsequent are self-evident, which provides for the idea that they are deductible by reason. This idea designates that the Founders are functioning contained by theoretical and idealistic tradition of natural rights. This perspective gives that there is a superior law of right and wrong that may be utilized to develop moral lawsà ¢Ã¢â €š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ finish talking about each line of quote and its meaning? Or talk about the drafts and popular culture? The Declaration of Independence provides for an abundance of interpretation and sources by scholarly inquiry. This formal document declared the independence of the United States of America from Great Britain by giving the colonial grievances of King George III, declaring natural rights, one of those being the right of revolution. The Declaration was originally disregarded after the American Revolution, having provided its primary intention in declaring independence. This sentence in which most Americans live by was significantly influenced by Abraham Lincoln, who thought of the Declaration as being the underpinning of his political philosophy, and encouraged the proposal that the Declaration of Independence be a proclamation of standards through which the United States Constitution should be construed. inventing America jeffersons declaration of independence garry wills the declaration of independence a study in the history of political ideas greatness to spare Effects on Happiness: A Reflection Effects on Happiness: A Reflection Happiness: Subjective Well-Being Well-being involves physical, psychological, social, economic, and environment. Subjective well-being meaning covers a wider range of concepts than just happiness (Compton Hoffman, 2012a). However, the subjective well-being also provide advice on measuring people’s experience and evaluations of particular domains of life such as satisfaction with the financial status, health status and other meaningfulness in life (Compton Hoffman, 2012a). Besides that, subjective well-being includes three elements. First is life evaluation, reflective assessment on a person’s life (Compton Hoffman, 2012a). Second is affect. It means a person’s feelings or emotional states (Compton Hoffman, 2012a). Third element is Eudaimonia (Compton Hoffman, 2012a). It is a sense of meaning and purpose in life, or good psychological functioning. On the other hand, subjective well-being involved bottom-up theory and top -down theory. Bottom-up theory are assesses the quality of our marriage or friendship, satisfying the job, income and thereby create a summary statement of our overall ‘satisfaction’ (Compton Hoffman, 2012a). Besides that, bottom-up theory perspective focus on changing the environment and situation such as, obtaining a better job, safer neighborhood and other external things to increase the happiness (Compton Hoffman, 2012a). Furthermore, top-down theory describe as measured by looking at personality traits, attitudes, and cognitions (Compton Hoffman, 2012a). Top-down theory perspective focus on increase the happiness should change people’s attitudes, belief, personality traits and other inner things (Compton Hoffman, 2012a). Lastly, previous research also presented evidence that both top-down and bottom-up evaluations are important, but utilized indifferent situations and times in life (Compton Hoffman, 2012a).. Leisure Leisure refers to how people spend their spare time, what people to do relax, the activities in which people engage to have fun, and how people express the interest (Compton Hoffman, 2012b). In the leisure and well-being describe as positive relationship between our satisfaction with leisure and well-being (Compton Hoffman, 2012b). It is fairly clear that leisure helps people feel better about their lives (Compton Hoffman, 2012b). Therefore, everyone should find ways to amuse themselves such as sport, drawing and other activities to amuse themselves (Compton Hoffman, 2012b). In my leisure time, I prefer going to swimming, play badminton and other sports with friends. This is because I am feel relax, fun and satisfaction while I am doing sport activities. At the same time, sport activity also can bring out a lot of benefit such as improve mental health, exercise decreases disease risk, keeping fit and other benefit to me. Hence, I am preferred doing sport activity with friends in my leisure time. Besides that, I can also maintain a good relationship with friends through the playing badminton or swimming. Moreover, doing sport activities also can build up a social support to me. When I feel stressful, I can play with friends. It can help me feel relax or reduce the stressful after sport. Then, when I feel helpless, I can share my problem with friends, it can help me a lot. Lastly, I prefer going to swimming, play badminton and other sports with friends because after doing exercise, I feel satisfaction and I can focus on my academic. It can helping in my daily life and also to overcome my life challenge. Love and well-being In positive psychology, Love is one of significant ways that people pursue well-being (Compton Hoffman, 2012c). Needs for love and intimacy may be biologically innate (Compton Hoffman, 2012c). Moreover, relationship satisfaction is associated with a couple’s similarity in attitudes and values, positive personality traits, the type of attributions made to explain a partner’s behavior and healthy styles of communication (Compton Hoffman, 2012c). Besides that, relationship stability is associated with factors such as friendship, commitment, conflict management and the effects of external stressors (Compton Hoffman, 2012c). It can help people in their daily life and overcome the life challenges. When I finished my secondary school studies, I have no any goal or planning about my future. I also do not know what next steps are. Therefore, my parents’ advice is continuing studies since I do not any planning about my future. About of this, I was conflict with my parents because I do not planning continuing studies. Besides that, I also think I am not smart enough to continuing the studies. Hence, I feel some worry and angry. Moreover, this happen also hurt relationship between my parents and me. My parents and I keep some conflict and quarrel about my future. Finally, I understand what my parents’ think, what my parents’ feel. I also know what I want to do in my future. Thus, I agree and accept my parents’ advice and decide continuing studies. Positive Health Positive health is excellence in three measures. Firstly, biological markers include any measures of physiological functioning that can impact health or well-being (Compton Hoffman, 2012d). Second, subjective experiences include any measure of subjective well-being such as optimism and positive emotionally (Compton Hoffman, 2012d). Third, functional measures include assessment of how well daily activities are accomplished and behavioral signs such as occasional disability (Compton Hoffman, 2012d). The goal of positive health is to describe adaptation to challenges, toward a better quality of life (Compton Hoffman, 2012d). This process is not just coping and adaptation but positive growth. When I was young, my parents busy for working. Hence, my grandparents need take care of me. My grandparents send me go to school, bring me go out to friends’ house, shopping and other. Besides that, my grandfather teaches me a lot of things, playing with me and other. I feel happy about all of this. When my secondary school, my grandmother is pass away. My family very upset. Even My grandfather do not want go out anymore. He cannot to accept this happen. My family very worries about it. Positive health can help me overcome this problem. This is because positive psychology describe as positive growth. About this happen, I feel upset, but I understand I need to growth and accompany my grandfather to accept this happen even I feel upset too. Since I was young, my grandfather always accompany me to do a lot of things, take care of me, teaches me a lot of things. In this moment, my grandfather is helpless. Therefore, my family and I need accompany and bring positive emotion to him. So that, my grandfather can has a better life in future. Creativity and Genius Genius began to take on a meaning of special talent or ability beyond the normal range (Compton Hoffman, 2012e). Genius also describe a person who of extraordinary creativity and inventiveness (Compton Hoffman, 2012e). Besides that, those labeled as geniuses exhibited the same qualities associated with people who achieve excellence in something, person who will extremely motivation, willing to work long and hard, and absorbed in a search for deeper knowledge about their craft (Compton Hoffman, 2012e). Well-being across the Lifespan In the Well-being across the Lifespan, researchers have used three basic models to understand life changes (Compton Hoffman, 2012f). Firstly, stage or growth models postulate recognizable stages that need to addressed, roughly at different ages (Compton Hoffman, 2012f). Second, lifespan models observe the personality development as a continuous process of adjustment to challenges (Compton Hoffman, 2012f). Third, life-course models also tend to look at phase of life but emphasize the social-role demands at each phase (Compton Hoffman, 2012f). When I was young, my grandparents take care of me. This is because my parents need go out for working, but my parents will have accompanied me in every night. Hence, I feel happy in my childhood. In my primary school life, I like the sport activity. Hence, I become one of the participants which represent the school to competition with different primary school. My primary life is busy but I feel enjoy. In secondary school, my grandmother was pass away when my form 2. My family very upset about it especially my grandfather. My grandfather cannot to accept this happen and refuse to go out. However I’m feel sad, but I think I need to accompany my grandfather. This is because my grandfather very cares and teaches me a lot of things during my childhood. This happen also makes me growing and more understand/treasure my family members. In my university life, it is a busy life. Every semester, I need to complete a lot of test, assignment. Sometimes I’m feel very stressful because these all of the academic things. Luckily, I have some friends can play badminton with me. Besides that, I also enjoy swimming with my housemates during every weekend. It can help reduce my stressful from academic. Optimal Well-Being Optimal well-being describe as stated the personal growth requires choices about what particular type of person you would like to become (Compton Hoffman, 2012g). Besides that, growth never occurs in vacuum, so people must decide what kinds of person want to be and which personality traits express your unique potential(Compton Hoffman, 2012g). For example, people who often love, compassionate to other people. That people can express their own unique potential and become caring people (Compton Hoffman, 2012g). On the other hand, optimal well-being can also describe is to think about the types of people you admire, respect and which people inspire you to be a better person (Compton Hoffman, 2012g). For example, a person who watches a movie about the helping people, it may motivate that people to act on behalf of others. In my secondary school, my sibling was study in different university. My parents also pay a lot of attention to them. Besides that, I feel admire and a bit envy about it. This is because I feel my parents’ concern and caring toward them only. I feel lonely and cannot get the caring and concern from my parents. At the same time, I also can understand my sibling is always at the outside because studies. Hence, my parents will show more concern to them. In optimal well-being, I can understand what I want to be in the future. In future, I want be university students, so it can help explore my knowledge. Moreover, When I feel admire and envy my sibling, I want be university students likes my sibling. It is called own inner hero. This is because my siblings already motivate me to be university students too. Hence, optimal well-being help me to deal my challenges. Religion, Spirituality, and well-being In positive psychology, religious provides social support, healthy lifestyles and other positive thing to people (Compton Hoffman, 2012h). Besides that, people who are more religious in their behavior show better emotional well-being and actively religious people have reported markedly greater happiness and somewhat greater life satisfaction than their irreligious counterparts (Compton Hoffman, 2012h). Particularly relevant to positive psychology are studies that have found that religious or spiritual practice can increase positive emotional states such as joy, hope and other (Compton Hoffman, 2012h). Therefore, greater religiousness is significantly related to better mental health and higher subjective well-being (Compton Hoffman, 2012h). My religious is Buddhism. Religious is one of part in my life. Buddhism teaches me a lot of thing. For example, when I have some negative thinking such as want cheating in the exam, I also will think about my religion. Buddhism always mention make bad thing, you will get retribution from God. Hence, I will feel guilt and fear of retribution from God, so I will give up those bad attitudes or negative thinking. Lastly, Buddhism also teaches me need filial, love and concern to parents. In my college life, I went to Kuala Lumpur for my studies. Hence, I must go back the hometown to accompany and concern my parents during the semester break. Besides that, I also called my parents when I’m free. However, I cannot always accompany my parents, but I still show my concern, filial to my parents. Positive Institution In Positive Institution, social well-being was comprises five dimensions. Firstly, social acceptance describe as the degree to which people generally hold positive attitudes toward others (Compton Hoffman, 2012i). Second, social actualization describe as the degree to which people believe that society has the capacity to develop into a better place (Compton Hoffman, 2012i). Third, social contribution describe as how much people believe their daily activities contributes to society and how much those activities are valued by their community (Compton Hoffman, 2012a). Fourth, social coherence describes as the degree to which society is understandable, predictable and logical (Compton Hoffman, 2012i). Lastly dimension is social integration. It refers how much a person feels a part of his community as well as how much support and commonality one feels toward others (Compton Hoffman, 2012i). I went to Kuala Lumpur for continue my studies. In K.L., I was living without my family. My family cannot accompany me. I feel unsecure but I know I need to adapt and independent. Luckily, I meet some good housemate. My housemate gave me a lot of happy and concern. Hence, this hostel becomes my ‘second house’. I feel happy and enjoy in here. On the other hand, housemates and I create a swimming gang. We were going to swimming during weekend. I feel enjoy about it because swimming can create a good quality life to me. Moreover, this swimming gang also can help to maintain a good relationship between each other. When I feel stressful or helpless, my housemates also support and give me a lot of positive energy.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Wicca Vs. Paganism Essays -- essays research papers

Wicca versus Paganism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Wicca and Pagan are two religions, which have many similarities as well as many differences within each area. Wicca is a sect of Pagan in which each has their own variations on the religion. A good way to put it; all Wiccans are Pagan, but not all Pagans are Wiccan. Witch is a term used for any practitioner of Wicca. The Webster's II Dictionary defines witch as 1. A woman who practices sorcery or is believed to have dealings with the devil, 2. An ugly, vicious old woman; hag. Wicca is described by the American Heritage Dictionary as the cult of witchcraft. Pagan is the religion under which many different religions are practiced. Webster's II Dictionary defines pagan as one who does not acknowledge the god of Christianity, Islam, or Judaism; heathen. Most parts of these definitions are wrong. Wicca is a sect of Paganism, in which different practices are learned, worshipped, and taught. One form of Wicca is Solitary Practitioners the other is Coven Practitioners. The forms of Wicca that are practiced vary in most uses. Solitary Practitioners usually 'pray';, read, meditate, and cast magik and spells alone. Whereas Covenants practice these familiar things amongst a group of anywhere from two people up to thirteen people. In Pagan practices, these things are practiced normally within a group setting of anywhere from two people to hundreds of people. Both practices use a magik circle which is either drawn imaginary or with the use of a broom or sea salt. This is to keep out any negative energy from entering the circle while any type of practice is being done. This keeps the practitioner(s) from any harm or wrongdoing. Both of these religions are nature-based and usually have one of three belief systems in common: polytheism, pantheism, and animism. Both of these religions use many objects in their practices or studies. Both Wiccans and Pagans will use what is called Magikal tools. These are known to include, incense, candles, athames; usually known as a black handled knife, the broom; used to 'sweep'; away negative energies, the cup or chalice; used to hold such things as blessed water, wine and other fluids, the cauldron; used as an instrument in which to cook and for brew making, also used for scrying, and most importantly, the pentacle. The pentacle is usually a flat piece of brass, gold, silver, wood, wax... ...ifferent. Many Pagans prefer to worship within a coven or group. Each person would take on a different aspect within the group. Each person plays a different part within the circle. There is a group of teachers, called the High Priestess and High Priest. The High Priestess and Priest would control any and all worship sessions, much like the Christian churches. Each person thereafter might control a corner, or element, and the less powerful of them all would worship and watch the ceremonies take place. Pagans do not have a Book of Shadows, in which to worship. This religion is an oral based religion, passed down from mouth to mouth. Pagans may rely upon any natural force, such as a body of water, or a natural rock formation. They use these to help them focus energy upon their gods or goddesses. Both, Pagans and Wiccans, have varying religious practices; however, many of them are also similar. Pagans focus more on the group aspect of tradition and the 'old times';, whereas, Wicca is based primarily upon the needs and wants of the witch. This could even include practicing Christianity on the side. Both religions do; however, have in common many uses of tools, spells, and 'prayers';.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Role of the Heath in Hardys Return of the Native Essay -- Return

The Role of the Heath in Hardy's Return of the Native "Nature is the most thrifty thing in the world; she never wastes anything; she undergoes change, but there is no annihilation, the essence remains - matter is eternal," philosophizes Horace Binney. Egdon Heath, in Thomas Hardy's Return of the Native, behaves as Nature does in this quotation -- it undergoes seasonal shifts, but its essential quality remains. The heath takes on the role of a static influence on the characters' relationships and circumstances, demonstrating the unchanging nature of human experience through its own seasonal shifts, but still unaltered essence of tragedy. As the story opens, it is November fifth, in the early winter. The beginning of winter is also the beginning of a troubled time for Thomasin. She goes with Wildeve to Anglebury to marry him in the morning of November fifth, but returns that evening, unmarried, in the back of the reddleman's wagon. Mrs. Yeobright, Thomasin's aunt and guardian, expresses her grief -- "When it gets known there will be a very unpleasant time for us" (49). Though it was not Thomasin's fault that she did not marry Wildeve, as there was a problem with the marriage license, people still consider it a scandal and a great disgrace to her and her family. This time of depression, in which Thomasin does not even leave the house out of shame, lasts until Thomasin finally does marry Wildeve, after an extended period of waiting. It is not until after Christmas that they finally wed. The depressing quality of the winter season reflects this dreary and disheartening time. Nature and seasonal changes reflect human natu re and situations on the heath. As spring, "the green or young fern period", begins, so does a relationshi... ...r, this time the night is darker, and the despair is greater. The heath ends Eustacia and Wildeve's life in Shadwater Weir as darkness closes in on the heath for the winter. The characters cannot control nature; it instead reflects their own relationships and situations. The seasons have come full circle and so has tragedy. The heath is back to its original state, as are Clym and Thomasin -- merely a bit older and a bit sadder, just as the heath itself. While the seasons change things for a time, the situation eventually reverts to its original state. The essence of the heath is tragic, and will always recover to that condition, just as human experience is unchanging. Indeed, "the untamable...thing that Egdon now was it always had been" and will always continue to be (14). Works Cited Hardy, Thomas. The Return of the Native. New York: Signet Classic, 1987.